Saturday, May 17, 2014

Not Really So Strong

See this lion?  She is strong, she is brave, she can take on the world.  Nothing phases her.

Unless you saw what happened less than a minute before this photo was taken.  I took it at the zoo today.  She's upset, and sad.  There are two sets of fences around her.  One to keep her from getting out into the zoo, another to keep people out from getting into her space.  Well one man, probably mid to late twenties, hopped the people fence, and went right up to her, and antagonized her.  He thought she was having fun, but she was getting worked up, and she was all sad when he left.  He'd teased, he'd offered to play, but took off before she could have any fun.

I feel like her sometimes.  I look so sure of myself, so independent, so strong.  But that is not how I feel.  Lately, as you probably can see by my blog, it has been crazy here, and there has been no time to do anything.  We keep trying, we keep cutting things back, but it seems the more we cut back, the more there is to do.  The more people hear you are clearing up time, they want to take up your time.  And now my parents are here for ten days.  I am so glad that they are, but I miss having time with the Duke.  I just want to steal him away for a few days and do nothing but sit hip to hip with him.  There were even times today at the zoo that the crowd over whelmed me, and I looked to see where the Duke was when we'd get separated.  I feel a bit lost without him by my side.

This next photo of the female lion in with the male lion reminds me of part of DD.  She may have just been teased and proded, but on the other side of that cage, this male lion never once took his eyes off of her.  In fact, when the young man was teasing her, this male lion was at full attention on his perch until the guy left.

She may seem all alone at first, independent, able to conquer the world.  But if you look more closely, he's there, he's got her back, and he's there to make sure she's okay.  All she had to do was turn around, and he was there, watching over her, waiting for her to look back, waiting for her to know she had his strength.

Do we do that enough?  Stop and look back?  I find I'm doing that a lot lately, and the Duke, he's always there, on his perch, ready and waiting, to rescue me, to be there for me, to just let me know I'm not alone.  The world may tease me, leave me feeling lonely, not worthy, but never, ever, does the Duke make me feel that way.  He's got me, and all I have to do is look to him, and not others that seek to pull me down.  Sometimes he has to remind me, with a stern word, a command, a few swats on the bottom, a look, but he's there, and he'll always remind me of that, even if I forget.

I would show you a picture of the male lion from the front, but I couldn't get a picture because my camera would not focus through the fencing, and he refused to look up at me over the enclosure where there is a boardwalk that over looks them.  Grrr, stubborn male.  Remind you of any males in your household?  No?  Hmmm, might have to talk to the Duke and let him know no other males out there have any stubbornness in them! ;)

Because of being so busy, and a full day on our feet with my parents, the Duke is really tired tonight.  I hope you don't mind that he'll be skipping sharing his opinion this post.  But should be back for the next one. :)


  1. There were many times when life got busy and I would feel alone and think...okay I've got this and am able to conquer the world! And then I would glimpse someone out of the corner of my eye...yup I was actually not alone. ;)

    Love the pics...thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Oh, Cat, I loved that story. Thank you for sharing! :) :) And glad you liked the pics. It's a new camera as of Christmas, and finally getting to take it out a bit. ;) {{{hugs}}]

  2. EsMay, I am sorry that you cannot have the time with the Duke you would like to have. You want and need his support, you want him to protect you, and want to connect closely in all ways possible. Not having enough time to do so is absolutely annoying (and worse). But then again, even though you and he are busy, you know he is there for you. And I am so sure that he’d go to any length to be there for you, when you need him (that’s a safe bet). So, I really do hope that you two find your quiet moments to reconnect and strengthen this feeling of yours, that he is always there for you.
    Hey, and you are absolutely right, don’t let anybody drag you down. Nobody should do such a thing.



    1. Thank you. :) And hopefully we do have sometime alone together soon. But I'm having fun with my parents all the same. :) And you are right, he's there, he's always there for me, I am so very blessed. {{{hugs}}}

  3. Great post, great analogy. I was 'miss independent' for a long time.....having someone to lean on is so much better.
    hugs abby

    1. Oh, me too, abby, me too. And yes, sooooo much better to have someone to lean on. :) {{{hugs}}}

  4. Hi Esmay, great post, I hope you do find time to have some fun with the Duke, loved that first picture
    love Jan,xx

    1. Thank you, Jan. I just realized a few minutes ago that the first photo was actually taken 150-200 feet from the lion. I really am surprised that with a little pocket camera, I was able to get that shot. I'll have to thank the Duke's parents for such an amazing camera. :)

  5. Great post EsMay and love the pics! I love the analogy and am glad you know the Duke is there for you, no matter how busy and crowded things get. I hope things calm down for you soon and that you are able to get some time to connect.


    1. Oh, thank you, Roz. :) I hope so too. He really is fun to be around. :) And glad you like the pics. :) {{{hugs}}}

  6. That's my favorite thing about ttwd, EsMay, that our mens' strength is always there to back up ours so that we are free to be the feminine creatures we were meant to be. It is funny though, how some people do seem to hear your message of "I need space" and immediately try to make sure they ate in that space. I imagine that the Duke has no problem helping keep your time commitments at a level you can handle, and I hope you don't stress about not being available to everyone who wants a piece of you. You must take care of your own well being first and foremost :-) Enjoy your visit with you parents and try to sneak in cuddle time with the Duke anywhere you can!

    1. I love how you put it, and it is so very true. Their strength allows us to let go and embrace our more delicate feminine sides... or at least that is how I'm finding it. :) And he is trying to make me slow down. :) He really wants to take care of me.

  7. My parents also visited this past week, and it's so hard to not be able to do the little things that keep DD alive in the house. (You also don't realize just how often these little things happen until other people are around!)

    I love this post, because I always tell my husband that I'm his lioness, but, unlike a real pride of lions, I'm his ONLY lioness.


Please feel free to leave any comments, but I do ask you to be kind. We go into this with eyes wide open after months of prayer, and a peace in our hearts that this is the right choice before God for our marriage. I am open to questions from those who wonder why we made this choice, but I would ask for no personal attacks. Thank you. :)

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